Accounting develops the ability to make effective decisions in the international marketplace. Some courses help you prepare for qualifying exams, such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
Finance provides a fundamental understanding of how the globalization of financial markets influences the financial services industry as well as corporate finance functions. Such knowledge is necessary to succeed in the increasingly competitive global economy.
General Management is for students planning to attend professional graduate programs (like medicine or law) or students considering opening/expanding a small business after graduation
IT Management prepares graduates to bridge the gap between the problems of business and the capabilities of information technology. Graduates work primarily in the areas of Consulting / Systems Analysis and Design, Business Analytics, Information Use, Security, and Privacy.
Leadership and Organizational Change studies the impact that individual persons, groups, and structures have on behavior within an organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organization's performance.
Marketing develops an understanding of the complex, interdependent nature of the global marketplace and the inherent technologies essential in managing a market-driven business.
Operations and Supply Management studies an organization's resources/processes that create products or services. The student is considered to have a depth of knowledge across a broad set of issues that permeate all levels of decision making from the long-term strategy to the tactical and day-to-day activities.
Strategy and Innovation develops and integrates other functions – such as finance, marketing, and organizational behavior – to understand how firms gain and sustain competitive advantage. With a focus on creating and capturing value for stakeholders with novel ideas, products, services, processes, and business models.
Study the history, theory, and application of business principles. Students have a competitive edge in entering the workforce with a technology-based business degree specializing in finance, accounting, strategy and innovation, marketing, or management.
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Intro Courses:
ACCT 2101 Accounting I: Financial Accounting
An introduction to the measurement and financial reporting of organizations and the interpretation of the resulting financial statements.
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
This principles of economics course is intended to introduce students to concepts that will enable them to understand and analyze economic aggregates and evaluate economic policies.
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
This principles of economics course is intended to introduce students to concepts that will enable them to understand and analyze structure and performance of the market economy.
MGT 2106 Legal, Social, Ethical Aspects of Business
Development and function of the law, court organization, procedure, and substantive law in contracts, business organizations, and agencies. Also exposes social responsibility and ethics in business.
MGT 2210 Information Systems and Digital Transformation
How information and information systems support business operations, decision-making, and differentiation, and transform organizations and industries. Hands-on experience with current tools for working with data.
MGT 2250 Management Statistics
This is the introduction to basic statistics for management students.