Adrienne Hillman Advisor for CHBE, student last names N-Z Majors: Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Certificates & Minors: Energy Systems Ford ES&T Bldg Rm 1218 Make appointment through Advisor Link
Amanda Blocker Advisor for LMC Majors: Literature, Media, & Communication Certificates & Minors: Film & Media Studies, Science Fiction Studies, Social Justice Skiles 330 Make an appointment through Advisor Link
Angela Elleby Advisor for EE for Transfer students; RETP & Dual-Degree students Majors: Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering Certificates & Minors: Robotics Blake R. Van Leer ECE Building Make appointment via Advisor Link
Ashley McDowell Advises CS students with the last name Y and CS minor students last names A-L Majors: Computer Science Certificates & Minors: Computational Data Analysis, Scientific Engineering & Computing, Computing & Devices, Computing & Information Internetworks, Computing & Intelligence, Computing & Media, Computing & People, Computing & Systems Architecture, Computing & Theory College of Computing Rm 115 Make appointment through Advisor Link
Benjamin Diden Lecturer Certificates & Minors: Music, Music Technology
Carol Colatrella Professor Certificates & Minors: Women, Science, & Technology
Chris Lundy Advisor for AE; Advises change-of-major students Majors: Aerospace Engineering Certificates & Minors: Aerospace Engineering Montgomery-Knight Bldg, Room 301
Chris McDermott Advises International Affairs majors Majors: International Affairs Certificates & Minors: International Affairs Make an appointment in Advisor Link