Signal & Information Processing
Sensing & Exploration
Electric Energy Systems
Electronic Devices
Circuit Technology
Student Orgs:
ECE Ambassadors
Eta Kappa Nu
The Hive
Georgia Tech's Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Study, design, build, and test electrical devices and systems that support our modern world. Learn everything from circuit technology to signal and information processing to energy systems to enter a career in the manufacturing of electrical equipment.
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Intro Courses:
ECE 2020 Fundamentals of Digital Design
Explore design at the layers of a computing platform from switches and wire to a programmable machine. At each layer, the design process of transforming a specification into an implementation is introduced and practiced. Design tools are used to build, evaluate, and compare implementation approaches.
ECE 2026 Introduction to Signal Processing
Introduction to discrete-time signal processing and linear systems. Sampling theorem. Filtering. Frequency response. Discrete Fourier Transform. Z Transform. Laboratory emphasizes computer-based signal processing.
CS 1301 Introduction to Computing
Introduction to computing principles and programming practices with an emphasis on the design, construction and implementation of problem solutions use of software tools.