Global Engineering Leadership Minor
Student Orgs:
Association of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
The organization holds a symposium to share research and has regular events to help students engage.
More student organizations in the link below:
An engineering discipline that works to develop sustainable processes and infrastructure to address environmental issues. Solve problems related to natural resources, pollution, clean energy, human health, and environmental restoration.
Advisor Contact:
Intro Courses:
COE 2001 Statics
Elements of statics in two and three dimensions, free-body diagrams, distributed loads, centroids, and friction. [MATH 1552, Physics 2211 are prereqs for the course]
CEE 2300 Environmental Engineering Principles
Introduction to chemical, biological, and physical processes in the environment. Discussion of the basic processes governing air, water, and land quality, and the behavior and impacts of contaminants associated with human and industrial activities.