Minors + Certificates:
[not exhaustive]
EE, ID, CS, Public Policy, Architecture
Specialty Tracks:
(not required)
Construction Engineering
Environmental and Water Systems
Geotechnical Systems
Structural Systems
Transportation Systems
Apply engineering principles to the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Design and innovate the systems, technologies, and structures of our modern world and solve problems onsite.
Advisor Contact:
Intro Courses:
CEE 1770 Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Visualization
Introduction to engineering graphics and visualization including sketching, line drawing, and solid modeling. Development and interpretation of drawings and specifications for product realization.
COE 2001 Statics
Elements of statics in two and three dimensions, free-body diagrams, distributed loads, centroids, and friction
[MATH 1552 and Physics 2211 are prereqs for this course]
Student Orgs:
American Society of Civil Engineers
This organization holds meetings every Tuesday which feature industry professionals. It also hosts a career fair.
For more student organizations click the link below: